Rejuvenation techniques


Mesotherapy is a technique that enables the subcutaneous injection of active ingredients. It is not a form of alternative medicine. It simply consists in depositing droplets of drugs under the skin. Its main advantage is that it provides a local effect with no toxicity for the other organs and no drug interaction. In aesthetic medicine, mesotherapy is used to treat:

  • Ageing of the skin: by injecting a cocktail of vitamins and hyaluronic acid. The skin is brighter, wrinkles are gradually diminished and the skin is firmer. Several sessions are necessary and the effects do not last.
  • Cellulite: by injecting drugs that release the fat and tone the muscles. The result is a loss of fatty tissue that can be measured in cm and a reduction of the “orange peel” effect.
  • Hair loss: by injecting vitamins and trace elements that are essential to hair growth. The initial result is that loss is interrupted, followed by slow regrowth.


The treatment is administered using very thin needles. It is practically painless and requires no preparation. Repair cream can be applied after the session if necessary: K Ceutic by Dermaceutic. The injections cause moderate pain, like insect bites. They can be made manually or using an electric gun. Haematoma only occur exceptionally on the face and fade within a few days on the body.

There is no contraindication except for during pregnancy. The treatment involves one session every 10 days for 4-6 weeks, then booster sessions every 6-8 weeks.